
Rule the Track: Your Guide to the RMC Euro Trophy Regulations. Download and read the regulations for the different race events and categories.

General RMC Euro Trophy Regulations

RMC Global Technical Regulations Project E20 2024 Final
pdf 273.82 KB
RMC Global Technical Regulation 2024 Final clean v2
pdf 2.87 MB
Rotax Mini Max Euro Trophy Sporting 2024
pdf 4.52 MB
Rotax Max Euro Trophy Sporting 2024 Final V2mod
pdf 5.80 MB

2024 Bulletins

RMC Global Technical Regulation 2024 Bulletin 02
pdf 269.14 KB
RMC Global Technical Regulation 2024 Bulletin 01
pdf 514.03 KB

Regulations Winter Cup Campillos

Rotax Max WINTER CUP Junior Senior DD2 Sporting 2024 approved by RF Ed A OK
pdf 864.95 KB
pdf 763.62 KB
Winter Cup 2024 Mini ESP
pdf 1.44 MB
Winter Cup Campillos
RMCET #1 Genk
RMCET #2 Wackersdorf
RMCET #3 Franciacorta
RMCET #4 Lonato
Races Archive